Home / What We Do
Data Extraction

Whether you have data in a website, an app, log files, Excel files, Google Docs. We extract any vital raw data from these sources.

Currently supported sources:

* Google Analytics
* Log files
* Excel Files
* APIs
* Google Sheets
* Web scraping

Data baked for you
We build datasets ready for conducting your own in-house analysis. We can also create dashboards and visualizations to your specifications. You'll get a documented, ready to use self-service platform build on top of the following technologies: * Streamsets Data Collector * Apache Kafka * ElasticSearch * Kibana Dashboards * Sql Databases with cleaned and meaningful data * AirBnb's Superset Dashboards * Data ready to use in data visualization and BI tools such as Tableau.

We build datasets ready for conducting your own in-house analysis. We can also create dashboards and visualizations to your specifications.

You'll get a documented, ready to use self-service platform

Web Development

Web development and e-commerce websites with Shopify, Django, Drupal and PHP.

We have experience with technologies and languages such as Java, .NET and Ruby.